Kuwait Palm Users Group

Kuwait Palm Users Group

Our Purpose | Calendar of Events | Members Page | Becoming a Member | Newsletter | Links | Contact Us


Welcome to Q8PUG!

This is the Home page of First PUG in Kuwait  and we welcomes  you. 


There are thousands of organizations, each with a specific purpose or goal. There are so many reasons why one should consider becoming part of an organization he or she believes in. By building an effective web site, we hope to get our message out to a larger audience of people interested in PALM.

We welcome anyone with an active interest in Palm OS PDAs. Registration is free, and allows members to receive updates of the latest news and activities through email.  If you own a Pilot, Palm PDA or Visor, we encourage you to join our group..

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We invite you to visit us or attend an event. Our members are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the Q8PUG and how you can join.

Please sign our guest book to offer comments and join our mailing list.

"You can have a great computer, but if it's sitting at home, it's not of help to you,"
